Wednesday 17 January 2007

Me and Mac

In today's The Times, I read that Apple Computers is now known as Apple Inc. I am proud to be an Apple Mac Mini owner, but the thing is driving me bonkers (and this has nothing to do with cycling). My husband is a lovely total computer nerd, and he assured me that "it's the best". And it is, I don't disagree. But now it's become too slow and it's going to cost me a lot of money to a) get more memory or b) invest in a fancy-schmancy, dual-thingy processor something. The little circle, you see, that whirrs round and round while I'm waiting for
my favourite gossip pages link,
my blog,
the GOB blog link,
any interesting links from the aforementioned blog,
my documents with the various stories I'm currently working on,
and my various email accounts
to open, just takes too long. And I get so angry, I want to smash my precioussss white boxiesss until its microchipped brain provides me with the holy grail of computer use: instant response. My husband is on the case.

Breathe in, breathe out.

According to the Book of Nameslink here, my ideal name should be....Pamela. They must be joking! For my faithful readers (you too, ma), a challenge: go play the game and see what you're supposed to be called.

Pamela signing off.

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