Monday 22 January 2007


So this weekend we cycled up what must count in this part of the UK as one of the hardest hills to climb: the 16% incline at Streatly, Berkshire. No photograph ever does an uphill justice, take my word for it, it's nasty.
I started prepping myself the day before, constantly repeating things like 'never stop' and 'don't look ahead, just look back' and 'breathe, breathe'. I psyched myself up to such an extent that I found the actual ascent to be easier than I expected. What makes this particular climb a bastard, is that it's quite long and it becomes markedly steeper towards the end. I made it, without my granny gear - yoohoo!!

Now, like all things, there are some lessons to be learnt from this endeavour. I learnt that I could achieve something if I make it more afwul in my mind beforehand, and the actual event is not so bad. (This must have a name in pop psychology). I learnt that not to stop means pushing down even if you are going so slow your front wheel wobbles dangerously from side to side. I learnt that I am much fitter than I thought I was, and that you can, actually, achieve something worthwhile if you put your mind to it. Nice feeling!

Now on to writing, and this philosophy deflates. I find reading the Internet and blogs a bit dispiriting, because there are just so many writers and sooooooo much to read. Where will I find a corner in which to make my mark? Yesterday I tried writing and there was a great vacuum of creativity where usually I have a modicum of creative ideas. When my medical examiner - who was not even supposed to appear on the scene!!! - looked at the ravaged victim, and he had NOTHING to say, well, then I knew it was time to stop. How do you force yourself to continue through a famine of craftmanship? And my jokes feel lame, aaarrrgggg!!!

But I will not look forward, but back, to all the thousands of words that I have typed, and I will carry on. Good girl!

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