Wednesday 1 August 2007


My very best friend, Ronelle, has come for a visit.

She landed in London and it was great to show her the old place. It is an endless city; its sites and histories are a gaping mouth ready to slobber you up and spit you out exhausted and bewildered, at the other end. A must-see, maybe a must-live, if only for a few months.

The first evening in London the grime stuck to us like an invisible veneer. Ronelle politely mentioned the ubearable heat of the Underground on the second day, and the Circle Line and District Lines were out of service - on a Saturday in the middle of Summer! In the past I've always left London with a feeling of longing, of wanting to stay there and nestle in its vibrant (under)belly. Not this time.

I was happy as a puppy to return to Scotland. Edinburgh!
Ronelle visisted the city on her own the first day, and she was sensibly impressed.

She also found the locals very friendly.

(Thank you, Sporranclan, for the pic)

"Whoore loo auch wee Jhd8e&%p3 hoose wee*^@", says the smiling man.
"I don't think I understand what he's saying?", whispers Ronelle.
"Oh, how do you take your coffee," explain I, proud of my understanding of the burr after a few months.

She also adored the wildlife.

And the neverending beauty of the scenery.

And by the time we hade to bade farwell, Ronelle was converted: Scotland is greaet!

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