Tuesday 20 March 2007

Thought for this day

I am back in full swing, with not much to tell.

Why do African governments seem to want to sabotage their countries and peoples? Mugabe maak droog, is my humble opinion, and that of the rest of the UK, according to the Times.

Last week some high placed person from Ghana said that African nations don't like condescension and having Western governments tell them what to do. Who does?
But the problem is, Africa wants to share in the good things of western modern life (cue mansions, tvs, supermarkets, limousines, GUNS...), but mostly without paying the price of democracy and freedom of speech. This is a dreadfully simplistic explanation, I know, and if somebody out there would like to correct me, please feel free.

I am starting to cry for my beloved country. And even though I’m sitting here, in breezy Scotland, it still is my country.

PS: Today, in one of my classes:

Girl: How old are you, miss?
Me: (Very suspicious) Why do you want to know?
Girl: My dad's looking for a girlfriend.



corrie said...

Hallo my Baby! Wanneer blog jy weer? I just got interested in your blog, then it stopped ...! Hope to hear (and read) much more about your Fife experiences.

Waiting in anticipation

Unknown said...

Haai ma! Ek is baie impressed dat ma uiteindelik die masjien getem het. Sal die blog nou weer gereeld skryf. Laat my weet as ma een begin - dis soos 'n dagboek wat almal kan lees. LIEFDE!