Sunday 18 February 2007

Edinburgh, Oh, Edinburgh

We are moving to Fife, Edinburgh, Scotland, in a few weeks' time. What a great place, aye! The Scots are noticeably poorer than the English, or rather, they seem less interested in material wealth. What they are interested in, I will find out as we start a new life there. We found a 3-bedroom house, 1 minutes from the beach, with a garage and workshop, for less than what we are paying now for a one-bedroom flat in Reading. I love Edinburgh!

I also applied for and got a job at a high school, it will be interesting to compare the English system with the Scottish curriculum - which, my dad says, greatly influenced South Africa's schools and churches in the past. Not necessarily a good thing. I'm pretty sure the Sotcs don't have veldskool, though.

I saw a really fat lady (back in England), and I wanted to ask her: "Do people treat you badly because you are fat?" See, being fat is a big crime against health these days. But I'll not dare say the fat word in these politically correct climates. I feel guilty even saying I am a white person. At my old school, one day, as I was teaching the class the difference - on a keyboard - between a black and a white note, a person shouted out:
"That's racist, miss!"

I rest my case. Goodnight!

1 comment:

MacDuda said...

Yes, Scotland is poorer than England, but so is 99% of the world.

Speaking of which Barclays bank just posted 7bn£ pounds profit, extremely high. And this just after taking over South African rip-off bank ABSA. Last year their profits were fairly low.
My logic tells me ABSA must have been making a fortune out of a people so poor that anyone with a basic degree-level job would be earning in the top 2%.